With Mercè Montalà (Camille Claudel), Arnau Vilardebò (Dr. Michaux), Elvira Rocha (Camille's mother), Núria Sas, Damián González, Raquel Anguita, Núria Calvet, Núria Salvadó, Judith Martín.
Directed by Carme Puche and Jaime García
Writer and producer :: Carme Puche Moré
Cinematography :: Sergio Álvarez-Napagao
Director assistant and script :: Luz López
Costume design :: Carme Moré
Sound and original music :: Jordi Rabascall
Cinematography assistants :: RR. Anguera, Jordi Català, Scott Chasserot
Steady cam :: Dani Llàcer
Traveling and crane :: Jaime García
Actors and actresses assistant :: Beth Bardají
Makeup :: Cristina Montenegro, Irene Amayuelas, Cristina Santos
Artistic attrezzo :: Carles Puche
Costume design assistant :: Joaquima Moré
Electrical department :: Carles Esporrín
Editing :: Carme Puche
Color timing :: Sergio Álvarez-Napagao
Cellist :: Lourdes Duñó
Graphic design :: Stephane Carteron
Our gratitude to :: Xavier Alfaras and Maria Calvo, Begoña García, Anna Guitart, Anna Aurich, Batabat, Inés Bernat, Maria Bestard, Ferran Cartes, Javi Cordón, Mónica Cuende, Area Escola de Dansa, Rafael Drubau, Martí Pey and Fina Ferrando, Miguel Figuerola, Montse Junyent, Toni Rabascall and Roser Madrid, Tino Solé and Norma Marcos, Matías Martínez, Enriqueta Nicolau, Sant Celoni Perruqueria Cristina, M. Antonia Pey, Stephane Pinaud, Xavi Plana, Lynn Poh, Víctor Rodrigo, Javier Rueda, Laura Serra, Ana Varela.
Special thanks to:
Reine-Marie Paris
Ricard Guerrero
Who will take care of you when they have locked you?
What people usually know about Camille Claudel's life is that she was Auguste Rodin's lover. Most of them would also know that she was a great sculptress too and became mad, being shut in a mental institution. Maybe, some of them would discover that she wasn't mad and only a few would realize that she had the opportunity to change this situation.
This short is about that moment in Camille Claudel's life, when she tried to change her cruel reality. Her story is not just about a misunderstood artist woman at the beginning of the 20th century. Her story is about all the people that are different; those that society doesn’t want to understand and are forced to stay out.